Tuesday, October 25, 2005

a liittle bit of a rush but worth it!...

Today i went to my first T- Group meeting/drop in thing and it was pretty good. I nearly didn't make it because of work stuff, I planned to have to whole afternoon off but well, you know how these sorts of things rarely go to plan ( leave work at 12 o'clock? ha! ) so i ended up leaving at 2.30 instead which ment i rushed around trying to get ready and nearly missed to whole thing.

I wasn't entirely sure what to wear, it may sound silly but it was abit of a dilemma for me. In the end i went for something vaguely femaleish in that i wore capri jeans and heeled sandals on my bottom half and a sweater vest under a 3/4 sleeve v neck from hennes on the top half. to be honest i looked abit dishevelled from all the rushing about but i like to think it was dishevelled in a sort of quirky cool way which was the look i was hopeing for!

Actually I'm really glad though that i did make it as it was really useful and i got to meet some very cool new people. Its a weekly meeting so i'll be trying to go on a fairly regular basis i think.
What was great was that the majority of people there seem quite normal ( i know, i know, Mr.pot meet Mr.kettle ) but by this i mean there was no-one who was doing the characiture/stereotype/drag thing which i've heard can be a thing at some of these meetings. Everyone seemed really cool and really friendly as well which was good as part of the reason i went was to start making friends in the trans community in Brighton.

It was all quite informal and afterwards i ended up going to a nice cafe for a drink and something to eat with one of the people i met which was really nice as well.

Its fantastic to be able to talk to someone who has and is going through the same thing as me.
So all in all its a very good thing that i managed to get my arse in gear and make it to this meeting as i think i've made a few new friends and some useful contacts to boot, so once again its hooray me! :) Kisses...

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